Remedies for Life....Advice for Clarity!

Remedies for Life....Advice for Clarity!
Health Literacy Saves & Improves Lives!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Airway management for the Respiratory Therapy Student

I would like to begin by thanking everyone for being so patient with me, while I've been on a moderate hiatus.  On this blog, we will see responses from Respiratory Care Students, regarding particular modalities of airway care and respiratory infections we see frequently in the hospital setting.

This is the assignment.  The students are required to describe the symptoms of the following respiratory infections, and recommend treatment.



Corona Virus

In addition, the students are required to explain to the general public, the meaning of:

Airway Clearance

Mechanical Ventilation

Bronchial Hygiene

Hyperinflation Therapy

Remember to always wash your hands!

Ready, Set, GO!


  1. Adenovirus- symptoms: diarrhea, eye infection, bladder infection, high fever, shortness of breath.
    treatment: Fluid,rest, and fever reduction. In severe cases hospitalization.
    RSV-symptoms: high fever, diarrhea,vomiting, fluid loss, feeling tired.
    Treatment:fever reducer, fluid replacement, bronchodilators, antibiotics (if needed),
    Corona Virus-Common virus that comes on your nose, sinuses, or upper throat. Symptoms: runny nose, cough, sore throat, fever.
    Treatment: no vaccine, rest, fever reducer, fluid intake, steam shower.

    Airway clearance= Any procedure used to clear the airway of a patient who has a lot of secretions, or anything else that's preventing the patient from berating easier.Any form of airway clearance should help the patients berating to become easier.

    Mechanical Ventilation= Breaths or helps someone breath who has difficulty breathing until he or she is able to breath on their own.

    Bronchial Hygiene=Non-invasive procedure to mobilize or remove secretions. Which in turn will help the patient to breath, and improve gas exchange.

    Hyperinflation Therapy=Common therapy for patients with respiratory problems, applying larger then normal volumes to re-inflate the collapsed alveoli in the lungs.

  2. Our goal with the Tea of Knowledge is to provide information in a more relaxed manner. I will post this information within 10 days of this reply.

  3. We'll be working on fundraising ideas soon. At this moment, we're looking at building relationships with community partners (clinics, community centers, etc.). We will keep you updated.

